A Beggar’s Bag You Say?
Looking over my search analytics, I’ve noticed a lot of people seem to be searching for “beggars bag 5e” and ending up with my site listed in the search. It took me a little time to figure out what you have been looking for. It’s a little tricky to find. However, I think this may…
New Draconic Options
My Discord is abuzz with discussion of the new Draconic Options UA recently released by Wizards of the Coast. People seem most interested in the addition of new varieties of dragonborn. This is especially true for the rarer damage types that are available for crystal dragonborn. As a GM, I’m excited about the nod to…
Making the Monster
The 5e Monster Manual, Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes and Volo’s Guide to Monsters have all the baddies most of us will ever need. But maybe that’s not you. Maybe you need something more for your players, and want something special to to challenge them with. Let’s take a look at making one. In this article,…
Under the Black Ice – Everdown Part 7
Following on from Part 6 harsh, environmental conditions persist under the black ice. The floors are icy, the ceilings of the ice tunnels are prone to collapse. Remorhaz fill the caves, one adult and with its eggs and hatchlings. This is a module for 4 level five characters. The adult remorhaz should be well beyond…
Otyugh Fragmenter
On Twitter I posed the question, “How do Otyugh’s reproduce?” As an aberration, I figured it wasn’t the way that humans find “normal”, but likely something a little more exotic. The majority of respondents thought fragmentation was the most likely means of making otyugh babbies. I really wanted it to be budding, but I believe…
On the Black Ice – Everdown Part 6
Black ice is one of the few features of the Carceri that the 5e Dungeon Master’s Guide mentions, and by far the most evocative. Every location in Everdown is an abstracted prison cell. Unlike the previous map, the Panopticon, this area is much simpler. In that area PCs had to figure out how to persuade…
How to Start Playing D&D
Well, the best way to get started doing a thing is to do it, but here are a few pointers to help you get your start playing D&D. One of the biggest problems I run into as a Dungeons Master (DM) is that some new players are not interested in reading. If reading is not…
Carceri: A Brief History
The description of Carceri is very brief in the 5th Edition Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG), but it was enough to pique my interest: The model for all other prisons in existence, Carceri is a plane of desolation and despair. Its six layers hold vast bogs, fetid jungles, windswept deserts, jagged mountains, and black ice. All…