Flavor Text Friday!

I’m kicking off my first writing game on Twitter: Flavor Text Friday! I’ll supply you with a prompt and you’ll give me one tweets worth of flavor text to set a scene! I’ll post up the prompt here every Friday.

The prompt for the week starting 12/7/22 is:


Tweet Flavor Text Friday on Twitter!

How to Participate in Flavor Text Friday:

  • Check this webpage on Friday to see the writing prompt for the week
  • Tweet your submission using the hashtag #FlvrTxtFri. Submissions should include the prompt word for the week or be obviously related to the prompt.
  • Vote on other people’s submissions by liking or retweeting them!
  • Check back in next week for the winner and the new prompt!

What do winners get?

For now, you’ll get a place in the #FlvrTxtFri Hall of Fame! If it gets popular though, well, I’ll see if I can up the ante a little!

What is Flavor Text?

Flavor text is a segment of text in the game that exists only to describe something to the players. Tabletop roleplaying games use it primarily to set scenes or describe people. Good flavor text hooks the player and gives them a starting point for interacting with a scene. Here’s an example form Candlekeep Mysteries:

The book trembles, and its mechanical inner workings squeal to a halt for a moment before whirring back to life. You hear clicks, and shadows burst forth from the book like steam from a kettle, collecting along the ceiling until wisps of the darkness outline a vague humanoid figure. Meanwhile, the scenes inside the book transform, creating an entirely new picture that includes tiny cutout figures of yourselves.

Candlekeep Mysteries, p. 69

Yes, that one’s a little long for a tweet, but it’s also very cool. I bet you could do better though…and with fewer words!

What’s next? Maybe you could see the previous #FlvrTxtFri winners, or check out the DungeonSports Coliseum!